On Page SEO

On page SEO is a term associated with the natural or organic SEO elements which needs to be included during the web authoring process. These are very important elements and do constitute in the site PageRank and also how it is crawled by a search engine robot.

Digital Dhamal has a good experience in coding sites which are optimized not only for usability but also for search engine robots. This means that the site is not only user friendly but also reach engine friendly.

Here are the Search engine elements that we work on during web development cycle

a) Content -- The most important element in the website content. It should have a natural flow covering all possible user intent. We at Digital Dhamaal are experts in creating great content for websites.

b) Site Taxonomy or navigation Structure -- This is again an very important part of a website shish should be easily crawlable. One should ensure that the navigation structure goes as text and not as images! Also, one should ensure that the terminology used is not too technical, easy to understand and may contain keywords mostly searched by users using the search engines. One can use Google Keyword Tool to get the right keyword to be included or used in the site navigation

c) Flash Usage -- One should ensure not to use Flash because of load time and also flash content is not search engine friendly. There are techniques available using SWFObject and can make flash search engine friendly but we avoid usage of flash until it is absolutely required. We can use flash in banner ads or other components where we need some animation. But ensure that these animations are not too resource consuming and are light.

d) Title Tag -- Title tag is the most important tag which should be simple, short and readable. It should not be too technical but should associate with the content that is there on the webpage. One should avoid Title tag duplicacy! That means no other page on the website should have the same tag. Don't stuff your Title tags with keywords and it should make sense to not only users but search engine robots too.

e) Meta Description -- This tag should be used to describe a web site or a web page in one or two sentences. It should be relevant to the page content. The meta description is added by the crawler in the search engine index with the Title tag and page URL. The meta description is displayed with the site title, URL in the search engine result pages.

f) Heading Tags -- The usage of heading or header tags like H1, H2, H3 help search engines in differentiate between the content headings and the content. Like your page title tag, these tags should also be readable and be relevant to the content that they are heading. The page content can be broken down into various sections and the headres can be tagged accordingly. Please note that there should be only one H1 tag as the main heading and multiple sub-heading tags.

g) Alt Tags with Image Tags -- One should use use a relevant alt tag with embedded image in a web page. These alt tags can describe an image and are also indexed by the search engines.

h) Search Engine Friendly URLs -- The URL created should have the keyword and hence should be relevant to the published content. Complicated URLS such as displayarticle.php?id=xfeghfj are difficult to be understand by the search engine crawler. One should keep the URL concise and readable.

Testimonial Digital Dhamaal led by Rakov has added tremendous value in creation of our websites. They have gone beyond their brief of website creation and helped us formulate an online strategy. We will continue to work with Digital Dhamaal and benefit from the team's knowledge and passion. Testimonial
  Manish Purohit
Popular Prakashan
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